Making it easier to find mental health & substance use services in Pinellas County.

Request Assistance for Yourself

If you are seeking an appointment for mental health, substance use, or addiction services (for non-urgent needs), please complete the form below and one of our specialists will contact you. The information you enter is completely confidential and will only be shared in order to connect you to services.

Please use this form only to request services for yourself, a child (under 18 years old), or adult for whom you have legal guardianship. Consent submitted through this form should be signed by the person who would be receiving services, or signed by their parent or legal guardian only. If you are intending to submit a referral on behalf of a client or other Pinellas County resident, please use the eReferral form instead. 

We’re here to help you take the first step.

Care About Me offers personalized guidance and support to help Pinellas County residents access mental health, addiction and substance use services.

Care About Me is not a crisis line.

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 911. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or need emotional support, please call the 988 suicide and crisis lifeline.

Contact Us

Call or Text "CARE" to 1-888-431-1998 Chat With Us Chat Now Request Assistance Fill Out Form

Our Hours:

Monday – Friday
8 a.m. ET – 10 p.m. ET
Saturdays & legal holidays
10 a.m. ET – 6 p.m. ET

How Care About Me Can Help You

Care About Me is a safe and confidential helpline for Pinellas County residents experiencing addiction and mental health issues to find help, guidance and support. We understand that mental health is complex and affects not only the individual, but also their loved ones. Our goal is to connect Pinellas County residents with resources and services that can help you and your loved ones to lead a fulfilling life by securing access to tools and appointments.

Who is Care About Me For? Everyone!

Care About Me is a program that connects individuals of all ages, genders, cultures, and backgrounds with the support they need. We offer an access line to those struggling with:


Mental Health

Many struggle with their mental health. Care About Me is here to personally connect you with the best provider for you.


Substance Use

Finding the right provider to manage your substance use can be exhausting. Our team will work with your needs to find the right support for you.


Addiction Treatment

Whether you are struggeling to manage your addiction, or looking for the right provider to jump start your treatment, our team can help.

Care About Me has been instrumental in my return to freedom. They walked me through calls and best options to continue to gain help and keep stress manageable. I am a PTSD survivor and sometimes this simple to some as scheduling appointments can trigger and cause anxiety and frustration. This system and team have helped me gain support and impacts the schedule process knowing there is someone other than myself on the line. I am so encouraged by the program you all offer and the peace it is helping me remain positive and see a healthy recovery for myself. Thank you!
- Pinellas County Resident
My personal experience with setting and dealing with mental health issues since my trauma in 2020 has had a negative and frustrating impact and at times I feel keep me from making progress to healing. The team at Care About Me's compassion and patience with me has allowed me to feel comfortable trying new places and being open to new treatment options. The mental health community has grown since COVID and I'm very grateful that the assistance to connect someone like me dealing with PTSD to have support to invest in my overall healing and hope that people who have been victimized can have support to move forward with support! Keep up the good work.
- Pinellas County Resident